Friday, May 29, 2009

Letters, Not a Thing of the Past.

The big summer fundraising drive here at MSAL is our current letter campaign. The goal of this campaign is to allow us to get established and get the word out about or efforts. We are encouraging everybody to write to politicians, churches, charities, individual people, local businesses, and celebrities to both fund raise and raise awareness about MSAL and it's goals.

So far, I have personally written to the likes of Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia. I have also written to charities and churches like to my old church, Westerly Road Church and to like minded charities like Ruminate Christian Art Magazine.

Here is how you can help with the campaign:

Type, or hand write 1 page letters. Let's face it, as a society we are growing more impatient and no one wants to open a letter to find a 20 page manifesto. So keep it short and sweet.

NO EMAIL PLEASE!!! Emails are a great tool of communication but they are also impersonal and show no real passion. If you put the time and energy into writing or printing a letter and putting it in the mail, then you must be passionate about what MSAL is doing. If the person you are writing to has no posted mailing address but only an email address than that is fine. But who of us didn't wish we got more mail that wasn't full of credit card ads and bills?

Everyone is a good target for letters. You should never ask yourself "Would it be ok to send this person a letter?" Sure, some letters may never make it to people, Donald Trump may never hold my hand written request for support, but it is always worth trying.

You don't need to ask for money. People don't have money to throw away at any charity anymore. But you can ask for any kind of support. If they won't donate to our tax exempt charity then maybe they can also aid in writing letters, or they can provide us a place to have a gallery show, or the can join our mailing list of events. The only bad support is no support at all. Even something as small as letter of support or joining a mailing list can make a major difference in our charity.

Also feel free to email me or forward me your letters if you don't want to go through the hassle of mailing them. This way you can help MSAL without having to sacrifice more than five minutes of your day.

MSAL can't start an art school without your support, so please consider helping today.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Michael Skinner Art League now has an offical blog!

I just set up the blog today to keep everyone informed on up to date information about what is happening in MSAL today.

MSAL, as you all know is an on campus chairty at Eastern University that is currently fund raising to start an art major on campus and to encourage any and all growth in the visual arts.

We are still starting up, so please, if you have any ideas at all let us know.